Hello Ladies,
Finding the perfect wedding shoe can be a daunting task, and, very exciting all at once! Its the decision of wearing a shoe that looks amazing... but might hurt after a few hours or/ wearing a comfortable shoe... but finding one that is still elegant and bridal!
I wanted to find a shoe with a low heal so I could dance the night away and not have to change my shoes. I wanted every last moment of my outfit to last as long as possible... including my new shoes :)
It was actually my girlfriends who gave me the inspiration to design and create my own wedding shoes, with a gift voucher for my birthday. I had been searching high and low, every time I found a design I loved, the heal would be too high, and when I found shoes with a heal height that would work for me... the shoe was not nice, more chunky and certainly not elegant or pretty. So when I received this voucher, I was in love!
I could choose my own shoe height, add the glitter that I could only find on expensive designer shoes (at the time), and tailor the colour and material type to match my bridal theme and dress.
If you are like me and needing a lower heal to ensure the dance moves later don't hurt your back & love the idea of creating your own, have a look at Shoes of Prey, x.
The other beautiful option was to find a shoe which was elegant to wear for the ceremony, then change into a low shoe for the dancing! A girls gotta dance!! Here are some of my fav's out there looking at detailing, texture and a splash of colour in there if you dare...